Best 30 Day Workout Plan for Beginners at Home (PDF)

I can’t count how many times I’ve come across workout schedules for beginners that are insanely hard. Usually, the only thing ‘beginner-friendly’ about most of them is the phrase itself.

If you are just getting started on your fitness journey, all the information about which workouts burn fat the most, which workouts are the best for injury prevention, and how to start eating clean, can really get overwhelming.

This is why you need a well-designed 30-day workout plan at home, such as this one right here!

30-day workout plan at home – what to expect

workout for beginners at home female

To succeed with this 30-day at-home workout plan for beginners, you should be mentally ready by changing your eating habits and staying physically active.

Along with that, you must also understand that weight loss will not happen overnight.

What this means is that if you have a lot of weight to lose, be prepared to do more than a month-long weight loss challenge to see results.

Reviews for the 30-day workout plan for beginners 

But, can you see the results in 30 days?

You are probably asking yourself right now if you can see results in 30 days and if this 30-day workout challenge to lose weight really works.

Here are some of the reviews from people who have actually done this total body makeover for beginners:

30 day workout challenge to lose weight -can you see results in 30 days With all the workout videos and PDFs available online, it can get pretty confusing when you want to lose weight for the first time.

As someone who has walked the beginner’s road, I remember the days I used to ask around what a good workout routine for beginners was. I got a lot of answers!

What you should know right from the get-go is that there are basic exercises that will target major muscle groups and get the fat burning like crazy.

Those particular exercises are what I used when I lost over 40 pounds and in this tried and tested weight loss workout plan for beginners that is what you will get!

You are in for an incredible workout experience with this at-home 30-day workout for beginners.

But, before we get there, it is crucial that you fully understand exactly what you will be doing, why you will be doing it, and how you must do it for maximum results. 

How often should you exercise as a beginner?

How often should you workout if you’re a beginner depends on factors such as your level of fitness, how fast you recover between each workout session, and how much time in a week you have available for exercise?

Well, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer that will tell you how frequently you must exercise.

The best answer is this: do what works for you, taking into account your level of fitness, time, and commitment. Scientific research suggests that beginners should exercise for 20-30 minutes, 3-5 days a week.

Helpful resources

What you should know about this 30 day at home workout plan

This 30-day fat-burning workout plan for beginners will practically hold your hand, from day 1 until the day the last day. 

All you have to do is just show up, do the work, and you’ll start dropping pounds fast.

The workouts in this at-home workout plan for beginners are low impact for the first two weeks, and as you build your strength and improve your fitness level, the intensity picks up just a little bit.

What sets this training plan apart is the fact it is specially designed to help you progress on your fitness journey, from absolute beginner to intermediate.

Must read:

Unlike other workout plans out there that claim to be for beginners but literally want you to jump from your couch to do burpees and other crazy stuff, none of that will happen here.

You won’t be doing 10 burpees, 50 squats, or 20 push-ups! This 4-week workout schedule for beginners is built around the big compound exercises that engage several muscles at once.

Unrealistic workout plans for beginners are only meant to set you up for failure because, after a few days, you won’t be able to keep up the crazy pace.

A simplified workout guide like this one teaches how to ease into fitness and exercise, and how to properly progress from day to day, week to week, and month to month.

How to start working out for the first time

  • Take photos of yourself before you start this 30-day fat-burning workout challenge.
  • At the end of the 30 days, take photos and compare the progress from when you started to where you are after 30 days.
  • Feel free to share your weight loss success and send your progress photos to editor @fitnesschat . co

You must always start your workouts with a dynamic warm-up and finish off with cool-down stretches to prevent injury.

Dynamic warm-up

Dynamic warm-up simply means stretching the body muscles through movement, and not static stretches.

This kind of warm-up is important for basically waking up the muscles that you will be utilizing during the workout.

It’s perfectly okay, however, to cool down with static stretches.

5-minute warm-up

5-minute warm-up for the 30-day workout plan at home

1. March in place – 60 seconds

Marching in place is literally walking in place. Do this movement for 1 minute.

2. Arm circles – 60 seconds

Stand up straight with your arm stretched out sideways. Start making circles with your arms in one direction for 30 seconds.

Repeat the same movement, this time make the circles in the other direction.

3. Hip circles – 60 seconds

Still, in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart, place hands on hips. Rotate your hips in a clockwise movement for 30 seconds.

Rotate your hips in the opposite direction for another 30 seconds.

4. Standing toe touches – 60 seconds

Stand up nice and tall. In a slow, controlled movement, bend down and with your right hand, reach for and touch your left foot.

Slowly get back up to your starting position and reach for your right foot with your left hand.

Repeat for 1 minute.

5. Lateral step with arm swings- 60 seconds

Stand up straight with arms raised up your head.

Step back to the left with your right foot at the same time swinging your arms back to follow the direction of the foot that you are stepping back with.

Repeat by stepping back with the left foot. Continue to alternate for 1 minute.

Cool down & stretch

You should always end your workout session with cool-down stretches while your muscles are still warm.

Stretching after exercise is important because it helps enhance flexibility and reduce injury.

1. Jog in place – 30 seconds

Start by standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Mimic the running movement by lifting your knees. Do this movement for 1 minute.

2. Standing quad stretch – 60 seconds (30-second hold for each leg)

Stand on one leg (you can hold on to something if your balance isn’t steady)

Bent the leg at the knee and hold the stretch for 30 seconds. Switch legs and hold for 30 seconds. 

3. Standing Hamstring Stretch – Hold for 45 seconds

Stand straight and slowly bend at the waist as if you are trying to touch your toes with your hands. Bend as far as you can or until you feel the stretch in your hamstrings.

4. Standing wall stretch –  30 seconds

Start in front of a wall and stretch out your arm until they are touching the wall.

Walk your hands up against the wall and press back until you feel the stretch in your shoulders.

Avoid pushing into the wall as that might cause shoulder injury.

Hold the stretch for 30 seconds or longer if your shoulders are too tight.

5. Child’s Pose stretch – 45 seconds

This stretch will release stress and calm you while stretching out the hips, lower back, thighs, and upper body.

You can hold the stretch for 45 seconds or as long as 5 minutes

30 Day Workout Plan at Home

30 day workout plan at home for beginners

Alright, now that you know how you will be warming up before and cooling down after, let’s get to work and get started with this fat-shedding 30-day workout plan for beginners.

Please Note: This 30-day workout plan for beginners is free. However, I earn my income from ads when you visit the blog, which is why I can’t supply the PDF for free.  If you want a PDF copy, you can support me by buying the 30-day workout plan for beginners HERE.

Buy the workout plan now

DAY 1 (Monday)

  • 12 squats x3
  • 12 push-ups (on the knees) x3
  • 10 triceps dips x3
  • 20 step-ups x3
  • 12 backward lunges (6 each leg) x3
  • 10 dumbbell overhead triceps extension x3

DAY 2 (Tuesday)

  • 12 forward lunges ( 6 each leg) x3
  • 12 dumbbell hammer curls x 3
  • 12 glute bridges x3
  • 12 bicep curls x 3
  • 12 dumbbell rows x3
  • 12 stiff leg deadlifts x3

READ: 4 Ways to Develop Healthy Eating Habits to Lose Weight

DAY 3 (Wednesday)

Cardio workout- walk outside or on the treadmill for 40 minutes, at a brisk pace

Fat Burning Abs Workout

  • 20 Russian twists x 3
  • 30-second plank hold x3
  • 20 leg raises  x3

Day 4 (Thursday)

  • 12 squats x 3
  • 12 push-ups (on the knees) x 3
  • 10 triceps dips x3
  • 20 step-ups x 3
  • 12 backward lunges (6 each leg) x3
  • 10 dumbbell overhead triceps extension x3

Day 5 (Friday)

  • 12 forward lunges ( 6 each leg) x3
  • 12 dumbbell hammer curls x3
  • 12 glute bridges x3
  • 12 bicep curls x3
  • 12 dumbbell rows x3
  • 12 stiff leg deadlifts x3

Day 6

  • Rest

Day 7

  • Rest

DAY 8 (Monday)

  • 15 squats x3
  • 15 push-ups (on the knees) x3
  • 12 triceps dips x3
  • 30 step-ups x3
  • 16 backward lunges (8 each leg) x3
  • 12 dumbbell overhead triceps extension x3

DAY 9 (Tuesday)

  • 16 forward lunges ( 6 each leg) x3
  • 15 dumbbell hammer curls x3
  • 15 glute bridges x3
  • 15 bicep curls x3
  • 15 dumbbell rows x3
  • 15 stiff leg deadlifts x3

DAY 10 (Wednesday)

Fat Burning Abs Workout 

  • 20 Russian twists x3
  • 30-second plank hold x3
  • 20 leg raises  x3
  • Cardio workout – walk outside or on the treadmill for 40 minutes, at a brisk pace

DAY 11 (Thursday)

  • 15 squats x3
  • 15 push-ups (on the knees) x3
  • 12 triceps dips x3
  • 30 step ups x3
  • 16 backward lunges (8 each leg) x3
  • 12 dumbbell overhead triceps extension x3

Please Note: This 30-day workout routines for beginners at home is free. However, I earn my income from ads when you visit the blog, which is why I can’t supply the PDF for free.  If you want a PDF copy, you can support me by buying the 30-day workout plan for beginners HERE.

Buy the workout plan now

DAY 12 (Friday)

  • 16 forward lunges ( 6 each leg) x3
  • 15 dumbbell hammer curls x3
  • 15 glute bridges x3
  • 15 bicep curls x3
  • 15 dumbbell rows x3
  • 15 stiff leg deadlifts x3

Day 13 (Saturday)

  • 30- 45 minutes minute walking (low-intensity steady-state cardio)

Day 14 (Sunday)

  • Rest

READ: Cayenne Pepper / Master Cleanse Diet Complete Guide

30 days workout plan for beginners

DAY 15 (Monday)

  • 12 jumping squats x4
  • 30-second straight-arm plank hold x4
  • 12 lying triceps extension (skull crushers) x4
  • 20 walking lunges x4
  • 12 goblet squats x4
  • 12 triceps dips x4

DAY 16 (Tuesday)

  • 14 single-leg deadlifts (7 each leg) x4
  • 12 dumbbell hammer curls ( use heavier weights this time) x4
  • 12 dumbbell glute bridges x4
  • 12 bicep curls ( use heavier weights this time) x4
  • 12 dumbbell rows ( use heavier weights this time) x4
  • 15 kettlebell swings x4

DAY 17 (Wednesday)

Fat Burning Abs Workout 

  • 25 Russian twists x4
  • 30-second plank hold x4
  • 30-second side planks (30 seconds on each side) x4
  • 20 leg raises x4

cardio workout

  • Run for 1 minute
  • Walk for 2 minutes

Repeat 10 times

DAY 18 (Thursday)

  • 12 jumping squats x4
  • 30-second straight-arm plank hold x4
  • 12 lying triceps extension (skull crushers) x4
  • 20 walking lunges x4
  • 12 goblet squats x4
  • 12 triceps dips x4

DAY 19 (Friday)

  • 14 single-leg deadlifts (7 each leg) x4
  • 12 dumbbell hammer curls ( use heavier weights this time) x4
  • 12 dumbbell glute bridges x4
  • 12 bicep curls ( use heavier weights this time) x4
  • 12 dumbbell rows ( use heavier weights this time) x4
  • 15 kettlebell swings x4

Day 20 (Saturday)

  • 45 minutes minute walking (low-intensity steady-state cardio)

Day 21 (Sunday)

  • Rest

Please Note: This 30-day workout routines for beginners at home is free. However, I earn my income from ads when you visit the blog, which is why I can’t supply the PDF for free. If you want a PDF copy, you can support me by buying the 30-day workout plan for beginners HERE.

Buy the workout plan now

DAY 22 (Monday)

  • 15 jumping squats x4
  • 30- second straight-arm plank hold x4
  • 15 lying triceps extension (skull crushers) x4
  • 20 walking lunges x4
  • 15 goblet squats x4
  • 15 triceps dips x4

DAY 23 (Tuesday)

  • 16 single-leg deadlifts (8 each leg) x4
  • 15 dumbbell hammer curls x4
  • 15 dumbbell glute bridges x4
  • 15 bicep curls x4
  • 15 dumbbell rows ( use heavier weights this time) x4
  • 20 kettlebell swings x4

DAY 24 (Wednesday)

Fat Burning Abs Workout 

        • 30 Russian twists x4
        • 30-second plank hold x4
        • 30-second side planks (30 seconds on each side) x4

Cardio: Run for 1 minute/Walk for 2
minutes/Repeat 10 times

DAY 25 (Thursday)

  • 15 jumping squats x4
  • 30- second straight-arm plank hold x4
  • 15 lying triceps extension (skull crushers) x4
  • 20 walking lunges x4
  • 15 goblet squats x4
  • 15 triceps dips x4

DAY 26 (Friday)

  • 16 single-leg deadlifts (8 each leg) x4
  • 15 dumbbell hammer curls x4
  • 15 dumbbell glute bridges x4
  • 15 bicep curls x4
  • 15 dumbbell rows ( use heavier weights this time) x4
  • 20 kettlebell swings x4

DAY 27 (Saturday)

  • 45 minutes minute walking (low-intensity steady-state cardio)
Day 28 (Sunday)
  • Rest

DAY 29 (Monday) Use lighter weights than the previous week

  • 20 squats x4
  • 20 pushups x4
  • 20 lying triceps extension (skull crushers) x4
  • 20 backward lunges x4
  • 20 goblet squats x4
  • 20 triceps dips x4

DAY 30 (Tuesday) Use lighter weights than the previous week

  • 20 stiff leg deadlifts x 4
  • 20 dumbbell hammer curls x4
  • 20 dumbbell glute bridges x4
  • 20 bicep curls x4
  • 20 dumbbell rows x4
  • 25 kettlebell swings x4

Share your weight loss success and send your progress photos to editor @ fitnesschat . co

workout plan for women.Free weight loss workout routine for beginners. workout plan gym


You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it suits your needs. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately. This website offers health, fitness, and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The use or reliance of any information contained on the site is solely at your own risk.

30 day workout plan at home pdf 


30-Day Fat shedding Workout Routines for Beginners
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A woman doing a workout at home. weight loss exercise plan at home. weight loss workout plan for beginners
weight loss workout plan for beginners. The only 30-Day Workout Routine for Beginners that burns fat fast
30-Day Fat Burning Workout Routines for Beginners. Join the 30-day challenge for a full body workout
workout plan for beginners. 30 day workout challenge
Fat Burning Workout Routines for Beginners. full body workout
Join the 30-Day Fat Burning Workout challenge for Beginners
workout routines for beginners. Gym workout plan for beginners PDF

30 day workout plan at home for weight loss- total body makeover for beginners

30 day challenge workout free

4-Week Beginner's Workout Plan

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  1. I am looking for more info on how to do the exercises and what size of dumbells do I use. Where do I find this info.

  2. I love this challenge. Every day leaves my body a little stiff and I KNOW I’ve worked hard !! After the 30 days I feel AND look so much better … physically and emotionally. I’ve done this one twice now , but was wondering if there maybe another 30day challenge after this one that is littttttle bit more advanced ??

    1. Hi Gabrielle,
      I am so delighted to hear you have done this challenge twice and seen great results. I am working on a 12-week plan which builds on this beginners workout routine. Please let me know if you would like to be informed when it is out. In the meantime, since you are now no longer a beginner, have a go at this plan.
      It is very intense but the results are insane!

  3. Good day and thank you for this beginner plan. I just needed something to line out what to do to get started again!

    Not sure if I missed it, but is there a printable version of this? It’d make it easier to follow while working out. Thanks!

    1. Hi Jeni,
      The workout is entirely free on the site. However, If you would like to skip the ads, the workout plan is available for purchase, currently for $7.95. I earn income through ads.

  4. I cannot see/find the video link to see how to properly do some of the exercises. Please help I don’t want to hurt myself. I’ve been a couch potatoe for a while and need help with how to do a lot of these exercises…
    Thank you!

      1. I appreciate the detailed beginner’s workout! Could you give me advice on dieting possibly; While doing this workout plan for 90 days? I’ve been trying to do keto, but not sure if it will be beneficial with this or not. My focus right now is to lose my belly and tone up everything else

        1. I would advise you to eat whole foods and not do Keto because I have seen several people come off keto and gain all the weight back. Eat healthy foods but make sure you have a calorie deficit to enable healthy weight loss.

  5. Greetings from Bogota, Colombia, South America.
    We got a question: What can we do on the rest day, maybe elliptical, or we should do nothing at all on those days? Thank you.

  6. I appreciate the workout plan but it would be nice if you could include a printable version of it. This sight is very confusing with all of the ads and then trying to find the “printable version” link is non-existent.

    1. Hi, the printable version is available for download at less than $9. Because most people use this workout for free, I earn income through ads. But if you want to skip ads, you are welcome to purchase the workout plan. Thanks.

  7. Hello
    I’ve completed 24 days of work out. I will end on Tuesday of next week. What do you suggest I do for rest of week and when should I start 6 weeks program.

    I have enjoyed program so far. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Hey Tricey! That is amazing dedication, keep going and finish it stong!! Do you feel you are ready for the 6-week program? It is very intense but if you are ready, then you can jump into it right after you finish this one. If you feel that you need a few more weeks to work yourself up to the intensity of the 6-week workout plan, you can bridge it with this 5-day workout plan
      Let me know what you’ll end up doing, happy to advise anytime!

      1. Thank you so much! I’ll do 5 days workout first.

        I have question workout Monday day 29 down at bottom is says repeat twice but the workout to do 4x . Can you please explain. Thank you.

  8. Do you have a link for the weight equipment you recommend? IE a bar and weights? Looking forward to getting started on Monday. Thanks 🙂

    1. Hey Megan! All the best with your workout. You can get just normal dumbbells that you can find, if your budget allows you can go for these adjustable dumbbells. I started my home gym with basic 4lb and 8lb weights and as I got stronger I added more and now I have a fully equipped home gym 🙂

  9. Just finished day 1…why wait until the new year! I have very weak wrists, is there another exercise I can do in place of the tricept dip?

  10. Just finished day 1! It pushed me but it was great. Do you have an alternative to the tricept dips? My wrists are pretty weak and I just can’t do be them right now. Thank you for this beginner workout.

  11. Thank you! I can not believe that someone can be as generous as to make this plan ! I will be starting this next week. I would like to know if how heavy should be the dumbells and kettle bells for beginners like me. Thank you omce again.

  12. Love this – hardest part of getting to the gym for me is coming up with the plan!
    Do you have a plan that you recommend to follow this?
    And thank you for your generosity to make this available for free!

  13. Hey,
    Thank you for this beginners plan, I have just downloaded it and I am looking forward to getting started and seeing the results. Is there a meal plan I could download that works with the beginners plan ?
    Thank you in Advance

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