Best Fat Burning Exercises at Home for Women
There are lots of reasons you would want to learn how to workout at home effectively and find the best fat burning exercises at home for women. Fat burning exercises at home are important because they allow you to maximize your time by training as many muscle groups as possible in one session.
Table of contents
- The best way to workout at home
- How to workout at home for beginners
- Equipment you will need
- How to use the exercise plan
- Day 1 – Legs and cardio
- Day 2- Upper Body and Cardio
- Day 3 -Abs and Cardio
- Day 4- Legs and cardio
- Day 5 – Upper body and cardio
- Day 6
- Day 7
The best part of all this is you can do any exercise for weight loss at home in the comfort of your own home and wear whatever you want.
Although the sound of working out in your underwear and socks in your own space, sounds exciting, the passion and fun of all this may fizzle really fast if you do not set a routine for your home workouts.
What you will learn today is how to work out at home, and get access to FREE burning exercises at home for females
What is the best way to workout at home?
The best way to exercise at home is to set realistic fitness goals, determine the best time you’ll be committing to exercise, what equipment you might need, and find the best fat-burning exercises at home for females, based on your fitness goals.
As someone who lost over 40 pounds by working out at home, I totally love exercising at home because I can freely work out without prying eyes.
Working out at home can be beginner-friendly because it allows you to exercise at your own pace without comparing yourself to others.
You can wear whatever you want during exercise as long as it’s comfortable. In the current times where everything is sky-high, you will appreciate the fact that you will be saving money and time because you won’t have to go out of your way driving to and from the gym.
Whatever your reasons for deciding to exercise at home, you will learn how to workout at home without so much equipment.
The hardest part about these fat-burning exercises at home is that you have to show up and do the work.
Remember you get out what you put in.
How to Workout at Home for Beginners
It is easy to get side-tracked or feel like it is okay to skip your home exercise routine now and then when exercising at home.
If you are not disciplined enough, you will find it hard to exercise at home.
Before we get to the full body fat burning exercises at home below, let’s discover the best way to workout at home.
1. Define your fitness goals
Defining your fitness goals allows you to exercise with intention. Setting goals helps you to stay committed and work towards getting results.
Choosing to be fit and healthy for life is a lifetime commitment, which means that your fitness goals should not be for the moment but focused on the long game.
Often when people give up on their fitness resolutions, it is not because they cannot do it.
People usually fail because they have set unrealistic fitness goals or simply because they were never clear from the start on what they wanted to accomplish.
2. Create an action plan to achieve your fitness goals
Once you have a clear picture of what you want to accomplish by working out at home, you need to plan HOW you will reach your fitness goals.
A plan is crucial because it lets you focus on your goal by giving directions on how to get what you are after.
In this case, this free exercise for weight loss at home for females in 7 days is the plan that will get you the results you desire.
You will wake up every day knowing that doing the exercise routine for the day and eating healthy dramatically increases your chances of reaching your goals.
Essential workouts:
- 28 Day Workout Challenge to Start Exercising Again
- 30-Day Fat Burning Workout Routines for Beginners
- Best Toned Legs Workout Ever [6 week plan]
- How to tone flabby arms (5 ultimate arm toning exercises for females)
- Ultimate 30 day leg challenge that works like crazy
- Fat-burning 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge (Beginner-friendly)
3. Establish the best time for you to exercise
Determining the best time to exercise at home should be based on how much time you have during that particular period without getting distractions.
Sure, people choose to exercise at home because of the freedom to exercise at any time of the day. It is important to remember that establishing a routine makes it easier to reach your goals.
If your exercise time is not specified, you will eventually start working out less and less every day when something else does come up.
It gets easier each day to fall into the habit of putting off a workout because you are just not feeling it. This is how most treadmills at home end up being cloth hangers.
Your home gym equipment will start gathering dust if you do not make exercise a habit – it is hard to stick to something not part of your daily routine.
If in the past you skipped exercising because you couldn’t find time in the day, make it a habit to exercise first thing in the morning. If you start the day at 7 am, wake up at 6 am to exercise.
If you prefer to exercise in the evening, set aside a specific time and stick to it every day.
Once you get a routine going, you will be amazed by how much of your fitness or life goals you can accomplish.
Working out requires energy, and if at the end of the day, you are exhausted, you will find reasons to hit the couch instead of hitting the home gym hard.
Why I prefer to start my day with a morning workout
A review of several studies was recently conducted to establish whether regular morning exercise was beneficial to obese individuals.
After reviewing several studies, it was established that exercising regularly in the morning helps people make exercise a daily habit and improve planning skills.
The research further found that exercising in the morning promoted long-term weight loss.
I exercise first thing in the morning and have made this my ‘me’ time. As a single mum, some of my children’s school and social activities that require my involvement are usually in the evenings.
Read: How to motivate yourself to workout at home
*This post may include affiliate links. You can read my full disclosure here.
4. Determine the home gym equipment you will need
Learning how to workout at home means that you can make decisions based on yourself and not the whole neighborhood that goes to a particular gym.
For example, you do not have to buy a treadmill if you enjoy walking or running outside. With your home gym, you can figure out equipment that will help you achieve your fitness goals and then spend your money only on what is useful.
Also, just because every picture-perfect has a kettlebell or stability ball does not mean you also need to get one. You should be able to create a home gym that fits your pocket and with equipment that you will actually use.
This is what is brilliant about exercising at home- you can buy only the equipment that fits your current goals. If in the future your fitness goals change, you can add equipment as needed.
Equipment you will need
Based on this full-body workout for weight loss for females at home, this is the equipment you’ll need:
- 2-3 pairs
- of dumbbells with different weights
- A kettlebell
- An exercise mat or towel
Related: How to build a home gym on a budget
How to use the exercise plan
In this exercise for weight loss at home for females in 7 days, there are 12-30 repetitions (reps) of each exercise, known as a set. A circuit refers to all the sets of exercises in the workout. For example, all the exercises in the cardio workout.
You will perform 12 reps of each exercise and rest for 20 seconds before moving to the next set.
For example, you will do 12 dumbbell squats and rest for 20 seconds, then move to 12 dumbbell deadlifts. Once you complete a circuit, you will rest for 1 minute before repeating as required.
7-Day Fat Burning Exercises at Home
Day 1 – Legs and Cardio
Directions for Monday
On Monday, you will start with a 5-minute warm-up. After warming up your muscles, you will complete two sets of muscle-toning leg exercises, followed by a calorie-burning cardio workout.
In round 2 of the full body fat burning exercises at home, you will do a different set of leg exercises twice, before moving to cardio, and finish off with a cool down.
5-minute warm-up
- Jogging in place – 30 sec
- Arm circles – 30 sec
- High knees- 30 sec
- Hip circles – 30 sec
- Jumping jacks -30 sec
Repeat the circuit 1 more time to make it 5 minutes.
Round 1
Leg workout
- 12 dumbbell squats
- 12 dumbbell deadlifts
- 12 dumbbell backward lunges
- 12 kettlebell swings
- 12 glute bridges
Repeat the circuit 1 more time before moving to cardio.
Cardio workout
- 15 rockstar jumps
- 15-sec rest
- 20 jumping jacks
- 15-sec rest
- 15 rockstar jumps
- 15-sec rest
- 20 high knees
Round 2 of Monday fat burning exercises at home
- 12 bodyweight jump squats
- 12 single-leg deadlifts (6 each leg)
- 30-sec wall sits
- 12 dumbbell side lunges (6 each leg)
- 12 donkey kicks (6 each leg)
Repeat the circuit 1 more time before moving to cardio.
Cardio workout
- 15 rockstar jumps
- 15-sec rest
- 20 jumping jacks
- 15-sec rest
- 15 rockstar jumps
- 15-sec rest
- 20 high knees
Cooldown and stretch
- Standing quad stretch -15 sec
- Standing forward stretch -15 sec
- Figure 4 stretch -15 sec
- Wall shoulder stretch – 15 sec
Day 2- Upper Body and Cardio
On Tuesday, you will start with a 5-minute warm-up, followed by 2 circuits of the upper body workout and 3 circuits of cardio.
In round 2 of the full body fat burning exercises at home, you will complete two circuits of the upper body workout and 3 circuits of cardio before cooling down.
5-minute warm-up
- Jogging in place – 30 sec
- Arm circles – 30 sec
- High knees- 30 sec
- Hip circles – 30 sec
- Jumping jacks -30 sec
Repeat the circuit 1 more time to make it 5 minutes.
Round 1- upper body workout
- 12 triceps kickbacks
- 12 bicep curls
- 12 dumbbell overhead triceps extension
- 12 hammer curls
- 12 pushups
Repeat the circuit 1 more time before moving to cardio.
- 15 burpees
- 15-sec rest
- 15 mountain climbers
- 15-sec rest
Repeat the circuit 2 more times.
Round 2 of Tuesday full body workout at home
- 12 dumbbell floor chest press
- 12 bent-over dumbbell rows
- 12 overhead shoulder press
- 12 supermans
- 12 lateral raise
Repeat the circuit 1 more time before moving to cardio.
- 15 burpees
- 15-sec rest
- 15 mountain climbers
- 15-sec rest
Repeat the circuit 2 more times.
Cooldown and stretch
- 15-sec child’s pose
- 15-sec tricep stretch
- 15-sec bicep stretch against the wall
- 15-sec forward stretch
Day 3 -Abs and Cardio
On Wednesday, you will start with a 5-minute warm-up as usual, followed by 2 circuits of floor ab exercises and 3 circuits of cardio.
Since Wednesday is cardio day, try not to rest between each set. Take 45 seconds of rest between the cardio circuits.
In round 2, you will complete two circuits of the upper body workout and 3 circuits of cardio before cooling down.
5-minute warm-up
- Jogging in place – 30 sec
- Arm circles – 30 sec
- High knees- 30 sec
- Hip circles – 30 sec
- Jumping jacks -30 sec
Repeat the circuit 1 more time to make it 5 minutes.
Round 1
- 20 Russian twists
- 12 crunches
- 12 reverse crunches
- 30-sec planks
- 12 flutter kicks
Repeat the circuit 1 more time before moving to cardio.
- 30 jumping jacks
- 15 mountain climbers
- 12 rockstar jumps
- 30 butt kicks
- 15 burpees
- 30 skaters
- 30 high knees
Repeat the circuit 2 more times.
Best exercises for weight loss at home for females in 7 days
Day 4- Legs and cardio
5-minute warm-up
- Jogging in place – 30 sec
- Arm circles – 30 sec
- High knees- 30 sec
- Hip circles – 30 sec
- Jumping jacks -30 sec
Repeat the circuit 1 more time.
Round 1
- 12 dumbbell squats
- 12 dumbbell deadlifts
- 12 dumbbell backward lunges
- 12 kettlebell swings
- 12 glute bridges
Repeat leg circuit 2 more times.
- 15 rockstar jumps
- 15-sec rest
- 20 jumping jacks
- 15-sec rest
- 15 rockstar jumps
- 15-sec rest
- 20 high knees
Repeat circuit 1 more time.
Round 2
- 12 bodyweight jump squats
- 12 single-leg deadlifts (6 each leg)
- 30-sec wall sits
- 12 dumbbell side lunges (6 each leg)
- 12 donkey kicks (6 each leg)
Repeat leg circuit 2 more times.
- 15 rockstar jumps
- 15-sec rest
- 20 jumping jacks
- 15-sec rest
- 15 rockstar jumps
- 15-sec rest
- 20 high knees
Do not repeat the circuit.
Cool down and stretch
- Standing quad stretch -15 sec
- Standing forward stretch -15 sec
- Figure 4 stretch -15 sec
- Wall shoulder stretch – 15 sec
Day 5 of the fat-burning exercises at home
5 minute warm-up
- Jogging in place – 30 sec
- Arm circles – 30 sec
- High knees- 30 sec
- Hip circles – 30 sec
- Jumping jacks -30 sec
Repeat circuit 1 more time.
Round 1
- 12 triceps kickbacks
- 12 bicep curls
- 12 dumbbell overhead triceps extension
- 12 hammer curls
- 12 pushups
Repeat the circuit 2 more times.
- 15 burpees
- 15-sec rest
- 15 mountain climbers
- 15-sec rest
Repeat circuit 1 more time.
Round 2
- 12 dumbbell floor chest press
- 12 bent-over dumbbell rows
- 12 overhead shoulder press
- 12 supermans
- 12 lateral raise
Repeat the circuit 2 more times.
- 15 burpees
- 15-sec rest
- 15 mountain climbers
- 15-sec rest
Repeat circuit 1 more time
Cool down
- 15-sec child’s pose
- 15-sec tricep stretch
- 15-sec bicep stretch against the wall
- 15 sec forward stretch
Day 6 at home Full body fat-burning exercises
Active recovery day.
Take a 30-minute easy walk.
Day 7
Rest day
Final thoughts
To get the most out of the full-body workout at home, always push yourself out of your comfort zone by giving the workout everything you have.
Make it a habit to show up each day because that is where the results will come from. Be consistent with eating healthy and your home workouts even when no one is watching.
Always remember that working out at home requires a lot of discipline. Just because no one is watching, does not mean that you should slack off. You will only be cheating yourself because the work you put in will drive the results.
It is also important to listen to your body. If it tells you to take a break, take that break.
So what next after this powerful full-body workout at home? Well, if you are more advanced or are looking for a challenging and longer full-body workout at home with dumbbells, then this FREE 6-week summer body workout is all yours!
Schumacher LM, Thomas JG, Raynor HA, Rhodes RE, Bond DS. Consistent Morning Exercise May Be Beneficial for Individuals With Obesity. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 2020 Oct;48(4):201-208. doi: 10.1249/JES.0000000000000226. PMID: 32658039; PMCID: PMC7492403
Susan Chanda is a professional content writer/journalist with over 20 years’ experience. She holds a bachelor’s degree in marketing management from University of South Africa and a diploma in Journalism and Public relations.
Susan has been writing evidence based fitness and health articles since 2016 for Fitness Chat, and is a certified fitness trainer, and diet and nutrition coach.
Fitness Chat is one of the several other websites that Susan owns, or co-owns with her children.
You can read more about Susan here.
Thanks! Just got this home workout plan in your email and I am sooo doing it with you!